Friday, January 22, 2010

[Wan Fang]

I can online today~

because ying ying beg my mum to on the computer so that we can use it~ lol =p

Although we used already yesterday night~ but then i think my mum also let us use cause we helped my mum do house chores *especially me* =D

Ying ying only vacuum upstairs n i vacumm downstairs(larger area), help my mum sweep the staircase~ N also help my mum squeeze out the juices from the passion fruits~

Now i'm very tired =.=

Later have to study again~


I bought finish my CNY clothes le~ =D

Mummy bought a lot for us~

We went to HK n KK to buy our CNY clothes de~

I love my clothes so much!!!

Before going back to my hometown, i'm gonna take pictures n post it in my blog =p

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