Saturday, March 17, 2012

you never know when you never try

these are the picture that i promised on the earlier post! TADAAHH! the apple nails! HEHE

it's not that great but it has the apple shape~ at leasst it seems like soo :) it's fun nails painting :D just can't resist it :p


i cooked a dish for maa family yesterday! shocking news ever! hahaha i ain't really a great cook youu see.. and don't expect to see something special about this dish cause im a beginner~




#ba dummpp badummpp#


i know all of your faces would be like O.O and then ==' 

told ya it's nothing speciall~ plus! it doesn't really taste that nice too...T__T

well! at least i've tried right? HEEH 

it's actually eatable~ really it does but #crunch #crunch it's not that cooked?  #sigh plus it's tasteless.. T__T

im not a "big" fan of veggies and soo i don't really know the actual taste of it? :)) well it;s my first and i shall improve myy cooking soon if i have the chance :) it's a promise!


but hey look! they finished it :) hehe although i do not noe if they force it down or is it really okay?
aww well :)) it's eatable anyways and no one got a stomachache :D


fei fei #hearts# <3

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