Saturday, March 17, 2012


guess what?! 

i just cooked today by myself today! like literally! OMG! i'm so proud of myself! HAHAHAHAHA!

guess what i cooked today? very easy one though~ not eggs or anything like that~ -.- that doesn't count as cooking~ 

i cooked FRIED RICE today! <3

it's not a very successful one though~ i didn't put enough seasoning~ >.O

but the other ingredients are perfect! at least for me~ =p

my father tasted it n he said it's okie but just not enough saltiness~ >.O

me and my sister was like 'is it enough?', 'is it too man?' 'OMG! I THINK IT'S TOO MANY!' while we were cooking~ HAHAHAHAHAHA! yeah~ ying stood beside me and assisted me~ =p

it was a very fun experience! <3 i hope i get to cook again~ by ourselves~ not with mother helping cause i don't want her to keep nagging at us~ maybe she would, i don't know~ =p

my first ever cooked by myself FRIED RICE! <3

p/s: i asked my sister, which was in UK, for help in how to cook it before actually cooking it~ HAHAHAHAHA! THANK YOU JIE! <3 


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