Friday, December 30, 2011

the urge feeling

the urge to update myy blog is here again! o: i always have the urge to blog something whenever im finished with other ppl's update.. yea for no reason? .__.

i always admire them cause they just seems to know how to keep their blog alive somehow and look at's always blank here in myy mind D:

i like blogging but what to blog? yea nothing .. =="

well! the time for us schoolers to get busy is around the corner! school is gonna start soon.. time flew by soo quickly don't you think?

holiday felt like a week only and yet it's been a month already D: sooo fast...

school is starting? and so the bookshop WILL be real busy! i bet it's gonna be soo pack for the first 2 weeks! :D

new year's almost here too! yesh i can't wait to get back to myy hometown to visit myy cousins! cause we can only see each other at least once a year and so im this excited! :p

Happy New Year to everyone out there! :)

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