Saturday, December 31, 2011

buh bye 2011 and hello 2012!

yeah! bye 2011 and hello 2012! 

i had a lot of fun in the year 2011 but i can't wait to see what's going to happen in the coming year 2012~ =D HEEHEE!
can't wait yo!

*jumping up and down now* HAHAHAHAHAHA! =D
45 more minute till midnight! yeah! i'm gonna stay up till midnight! WOOTS! i bet a lot of people would do the same too! i mean who wouldn't?

2011 is going to end in just less than an hour!


i want to talk bout what i did today since it's the last day of 2011~ =p

in the morning i did, as usual, my house chores~ helped my mother in preparing for lunch and some for dinner~ 

in the after we(me, ying, my brother and my mother) went to supa save to buy some foods for tonight! it's kinda jam there~ because there's a new Toy R Us~ just opened i think? i don't know~ =p i have no interest in it since i can't play with toys or anything~ i mean i still can but i'm 15 already~ people would think i'm childish~ -______-

so yeah~ oh! guess what?! i saw Mr.Wu and Mr.Fong at Supa Save! they didn't come together~ i think? cause they walk their own ways~ HAHAHAHAHA!

i greeted Mr.Wu but i didn't get to greet Mr.Fong~ >.O

after that~ we went back home~ didn't do anything~ then in the evening we prepared all those food that we're going to have for dinner! =D

had a delicious dinner yo! =D

i had chicken chop with baked potatoes and some bread! =D

 this is lambchop! but i don't like it~ it's not marinated by my mother so the taste is kinda.....weird~ we bought it from supa save~ =p
my mum's homemade black pepper sauce! =D delicious! <3
 my mum's homemade pumpkin soup~ i don't like to drink pumpkin soup though so i didn't drink any of it~ HAHAHAHAHA! =D

all the foods + red wine and sprite! =D


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