Saturday, November 12, 2011


guess what? i watched 'In Time' with ying, my brother and my mother today! <3

it's a last minute decision though~

we were suppose to go to FaceShop and go to Hot Point then go home~ but then ying kept on bragging about wanting to watch 'In Time' so in the end my mother gave up (because of ying) then decided to watch 'In Time'~ it's nice you know?! LOL! i'm recommending it, to everyone who reads my blog, to watch this movie! =D

my brother bought the 3:30p.m ticket at Cinema 6~ =D it has big comfy seats! =D

 this is my ticket~ =p IT'S SIX!!!! HEE! yeah~ my fav number is '6'~ =p

oh ya! before i went to the Cinema~ i went to FaceShop and bought this 'CRACK NAIL POLISH'! Elle said it works~ and i've seen how it crack ( i mean i only caught a glimpse of it~ but yeah i saw it~ =p )~ it looks cool! 

but somehow (and i don't know why! -.-) this CRACK NAIL POLISH dislike me so it's not cracking up! -.- i went google searching on how to use this nail polish and maybe i know how? but i'm not 100% sure that it's gonna work~ i'm gonna try it tomorrow since just now i was helping my mother with arranging all those clothes~ so i didn't have time~ 

i'll tell u all the result on my next post then~ if it works, then i'll take a picture of it~ but if it didn't work, then i'm so not gonna take any pictures~ =p

few days ago, ying made orange juice for us(me, my brother and of course herself)~ it's delicious! =p it's fresh too! HEEHEE! =D i'm blogging about this cause ying's lazy to blog today but she took this picture already so i'm helping her in blogging about this ORANGE JUICE she made~ =p


it looks delicious ain't it? LOL! =p

 used my mum's iphone to take this picture~ =p


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