Tuesday, November 15, 2011

11 days

11 days to what? 11 days to me and my sister's birthday! WOOTS! =D

Although a lot of people ain't gonna be around because they're going out country on my birthday but I still have to be happy right? Cause it's my birthday! =p

Cynthia and kally's going to a competition so they won't be around, zel's going to Miri so she ain't gonna be around, Aaron's going out country so he ain't gonna be around, Vincent's going out country too so he ain't going to be around too~ sheesh! -____-

I'm so not happy with everybody not gonna be with me but they can't help it so nvm~ pray that next year won't be like this lah~ lol! =p

I hope I can receive presents! Lol! JK! =p


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