Thursday, June 9, 2011

X-Men First Class!

yup! today i saw X-Men First Class at The Mall! =D with my lil' sister, my brother and also my mum of course~ =p

that movie is awesome! for me! 

who thinks it's awesome raise ur hands up! 

*raise both my hands up high* LOL! =D

n then the trailer~ =D


anyways~ these days my left eye turned into a double eye-lid eye~ LOL! =D

i'm so happy although it's kinda weird to have a double eye-lid eye and another one is not a double eye-lid eye~ LOL! =p but still i don't care~ =p

i wish it would be permanent~ oh please! >.<

let me show u! =D 

 OMG! my eye bags! I NOE! D:


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