Monday, June 6, 2011

端午节快乐! Happy Bachang Festival! ♥♥♥

Today is Bachang Festival! =D Happy Bachang Festival , 端午节快乐 guys! <3 

i had a lot of fun today doing the egg experiment~ u noe~ i mean u as in chinese people noe one~ =p maybe some other races noes too? =D

anyways~ at first i can't work it~ -.- it kept on falling down~ then my aunty tried~ n guess what? her first try then she can make the egg stand liaw~ i was like wth? i can't even make it work n i was like standing under the hot sun for like 15 minutes? then she stand there for like....not more than 1 minute? OMG AH! 

then i tried to make it work again~ but i still fail -.- then my aunty helped me first can't but then she succeeded in doing it again~ -.-

i felt so unfair! so i went n do it again~ HAHAHAHAAHAH! =D but then this work! =D YEAH! =D HAHAHAHAHAA!

then i brought my cat to be the background model~ =p she's so cute ah! =D 

then when my bro came back...he asked me 'y don't i draw a face on the egg?' then i was like.....oh ya horh~ then i picked up the egg again then draw~ then i put it on the floor again~ HAHAHAAHAHAH! =D my bro also drew one! =p

now for pictures~ =p

 these dumplings aren't mine~ i just found it through google~ =D ^.^v

but these eggs are mine~ =D

 my brother's egg~ =p

then these are mine~ =D

look! u can see my cat, mimi, behind as a background model! =D ^.^v

then this is my egg~ i drew a face one it! ^.^v

my bro's and mine~ =D

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