Friday, January 7, 2011

last day of 2010

well....this is a very late story liaw~ sorry bout that~ cause i can't blog anything since ying haven't finish blogging bout going to Sipadan n guess what i waited so long for it but today she told me she don't want to continue liaw~ -.- so pissed off~ LOL! 

i won't be blogging bout going to China too though~ cause it's way too long de story liaw~ so skip! =D
not back to what happened on the 31 of Dec 2010! =D

i wanna show u guys what my mother cooked for dinner that day! =D
my father brought me, my sister n my bro to buy a drink called sparkling juice~ anyone heard of it? it's nice! it's a NON alcoholic drink~ =p

last time drank it at Chun Hou's house so we bought it that day~ =D
we bought a white grape juice flavour n red grape juice flavour~ i don't noe what's the difference cause it's both grape juice -.-

 look! it's red in colour! like wine~ =D

i only opened 1 botol of sparkling juice though~ the other one still in the fridge~ yeah! still have! still can drink! =D
then my mother also prepared my fav kind of bread! round shape one! i don't noe what's the name of it~ =p

 yummeh! i love it! =D especially when you eat it hot with butter! the butter will melt very quickly de ah! =D so hungry right now~ >.< but can't eat anything! on DIET! =p

then cooked Lamp Chop n Chicken Chop! =D then some french fries but i forgotten to take that picture~ >.O

my mother also made her homemade black pepper sauce for this lamp chop! so delicious! =D


chicken chop~ yummeh~ =D

Then my aunty(maid) made a bowl of salad~ fruit salad actually n it tastes very very good ah! i forgotten what's the name of it though~

okie~ although it doesn't look nice~ but it taste nice! =D

LOL! =p


(no edit) =p

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