Tuesday, November 16, 2010

library! =p

As promised teacher belanja us pizza just now! =D

Before the mini marathon competition, she promised to belanja us pizza if we won some trophys back~ n half of us got it! =D 
so walah! today we have it! =p

cher ordered Supreme Hawaii pizza, Tuna flavoured pizza n the best of all, which is only available in BRUNEI DARUSSALAM, Honey Garlic Chicken pizzza! =D

delicious! HAHAHAHA =D
i ate 2 slices~ which is the limited pizzas i can eat~ =p

 we(me, ying, cynthia, kally) thought that we will spend some time having fun while eating but we only used up about 30 mins of the time~ but then oh! we already told our parents that we'll be going home at 2:30p.m~ so we have 1h 30mins in school doing nothing -.-

so.....we decided to go to xuan's house but then she's needed to go to The Mall~ 
n so....we end up in my school's library~ it's so boring over there! -.- the computer is so lagging lagi ah! -.-

the computer is super lagging so basically it doesn't count as using! -.-
actually~ this post was suppose to be posted this afternoon when i was using the library's computer~ but then don't noe y that computer sot sot liaw~ can't post it -.-

only posted the title~ of course now u guys saw words in this post cause i edited it already ~ =D
okie~ i'm gonna end here! i mean in this post only~ cause i wanna post another thing that happend today at another post =p ^.^v


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