Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Although tomorrow not gonna have P.E lesson~ but then i'm still gonna wear P.E uniform! yeah!

I love wearing P.E uniform more than just our normal uniform~ lol 

y? cause more *fang bian* =p

anyways~ me, T.WanYing n Kally already plan that we must wear if anyone of us didn't wear~ then i'll kill them! HAHAHA JK! =D

elle n cynthia gonna wear too i think =p

hope they will lah~ so that we won't be the only 3 ones in class wearing P.E uniform =D



today only had a scoop of rice for dinner nia cause very full~ 

i also don't noe y so don't ask me =p

don't noe y these days no appetite to eat~ >.<

Am i gonna be sicK?! O.O

lol! maybe won't de lah~ i'm as healthy as a horse ah! =D

but then sometimes have cough T.T

hate it! >.<

gonna go study right now! so i can't blog le~ sorry! bye! =D

have a nice day! ^.^


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