Friday, October 8, 2010

it's not your secret to share


is it true that BIG BANG is coming to Brunei next week??!!

OMG! i really wanna go and see themm with myy own freaking eyess! as in REAL LIFE! 


i wanna see themm!!! but im having SPE next week! -.-''''' soo how can i go?! i wanna go see themm i wanna go see themm!!!

even heard that they're having a concert in "The Mall" for FREE! OMFG!!!!

BUT!  im not sure if these rumours are true or not bwoohh? OO

half of me BELIEVE that they're reli coming cause some off myy friends said that they could google about it? but i can't seem to find ant information about it? just found some traditional stuff about Brunei? OO LOL

BUT ALSO half of me DO NOT BELIEVE that they're really coming .. well actually.. it's most of me doesn't believe that they're coming and only a tiny bit of me belive niaa~ well that's because there'r no reason for them to come? 

but one of myy friend told me that they came because da Prince invited them? same goes to SNSD? haha i don't think soo lehh..><"" cause they won't do it for FREE in the MALL rite?? HAHA not sure lahh..><"" 

i wish those rumours wasn't true! cause i can't goo! HAHAH it's not that im selfish but to those who have exams! can't goo! for us we're having out CHINESE exams on that day~ the POOREST SUBJECT ever!!OO??!!


there's lots and lots of pressure these days! arhhh><"""

first SPE iss coming!!!!!!!!! two more daysss mann!! ><""" OMFG!

the timetable iss out and there's even an art exam? LOL that unexpected? hahaha :DD

and also! there's this marathon thingy ><"""

i don't feel like joining anymore ><"" cause we have to run 8KM! @.@

why can't teacher just cancel myy name off? T.T


*screams* feel like screaming out loud but i can't -.-'' else myy family will surely scold me for being crazy -.-'' 
why is there a word PRESSURE in da dictionary anyway? -.-'''

anywayyss~ i vain alot toodayy! HAHA

gonna show you guyss some of myy vain pichasss~ HAHA :DD

myyy vain photoss~ HAHA

that's all thenn~ byeexx :33

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