Tuesday, September 7, 2010


LOL! i don't noe what to write for the titles le so i put like that lu~ sorry! >.<

hmm......today stay back at school cause have tuiton at 12:00p.m~

played a lot in between the time 11:05a.m ~ 11:55a.m~ 

lol! =p

there's a long story between the time but then lazy to blog bout it~ HAHAHA 

sorry bwa =p

i have an account in oovoo le!

to the peoples i noe: anybody have?

If have then tell me! i'll add u! =p


My cousin came to my house again today~  cause my "shen shen" too bz again~

actually she was thinking of bringing them here on Thursday again~ but then me n ying ying not at home cause go to Shyan's house so cannot~ boo hoo! >.<

its fun having my cousin come over my house! =D

i love it 


I suddenly remembered that ShinTinn jie is going to move to Malaysia next year or next next year~ n suddenly felt very sad T.T

To ShinTinn:

Do u really have to go? I'm going to miss u a lot leh! >.<

please don't go! >.<

i don't noe how to communicate with u leh~ n our relationship will be getting farer~ 

i mean can go to facebook / twitter / msn / plurk to communicate but then its different! >.<

Its not the same as in person~

I'm really going to miss u ♥ ! >.< 

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