Tuesday, September 7, 2010


hmm nothing much happen today~


but school was cover byy mudd today~ i mean not da real cover but .. euu noe wat i mean -.-'' hahaha

sad i didn't get any pichass taken cause i forgot to bring myy camera -.-''''

then goes on the usual n boring dayy.......

talk about yesterday:

tuition from 12.00 - 2.00 pm.. came bak then daddy said cuzzy came ^^


luv's it when cuzzyy comes cause we don't have to study! we just have to entertain them .. :DD

daddy even bought pizzaasss for us!


had honey garlic chicken & Hawaian pizzaa

miss hawaian pizza soo damn much! long time didn't eat le..><"" hahaha

hmm... then on lappy then started to do history project... just in case lai bu ji hahahha although we have to go shyan house to do da project.. but all welll~ :33

eve... we play DDR like xiao! cause myyy 2 cuzzy was at all good AT FIRST! but then they improve a lot thennn hahahah :DD

here's some pichaasss~ :pp

tat's all thenn~ byexx :D

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