Thursday, July 29, 2010

wat am i doin?? hmmm~


new post for today! it's my turn to post!



errmmm~ currently onlining??!! hahahahahha. gonna online till 11 then gonna watch "jui xiang lai zhe ni" with maaa SISTERXX! :pp

p.s i'm using this n tat cause it's PRIVATE!! hahahah.. sowi~ can't tell :DD

hmm~ talk about wat i did just now thenn~ since i've finish telling euu guys wat i've been currently doin :pp

just now i've been bz doin my jie jie's pwesent! hahaha


can't tell her~..she'll have to wait till 31 july 2010 HAHAHAH! on the exact day! wahahahahha!

*evil laughsss*

hmmm~ my jiejie's fwenxx came over yesterday~ they surprised her with a HUGE BEAUTIFUL cake!


she have such wonderful fwenxx ><"

weeelll~ NVM! :DD i have wonderful fwenxx toooo~ hahaha :DD

now gonna show euu guys the pichass of da cake:

nice kan? nice kann?

*jealous* ><""

on top have write "sien, happy birthday" lagi lehhh~

anndd annnd anndd all the ball on the cake are cream puff~ very nice~ hahaha :DD

there's exactly 50 cream puff on top lehh~ not tat she's 50 years old :pp

no offense jie~ i didn't say euur 50 worhh~ i just said "not tat"


till here thenn~ gonna be very bz doin the pwesent from tomolo onwardss~

gonna hide it safely! :DD

baixxaa! ;pp

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