Thursday, July 29, 2010

today's activity~

Today nothing really happened.....-.-

quite moody too today cause i'm still very sleepy from not getting enough sleep 
but then at least better than yesterday! =D

finally i'm blogging right now! cause just now so...busy chatting with my friends so i can't blog anything -.-
hmmm....what happened today?......

umm.....during P.E we did 5 different activities....
1st: 200m run
2nd: did push up for 30 times
3rd: did sit up for 30 times
4th: run 4 X 10
n lastly
5th: meaure how much we can touch out feet using out hands(duh!) 

I'm very very very very very bad at the 5th activity~ haha =p the others ok lah =D
ok~ gonna end here now~ cause i wanna post something else =p

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