Saturday, July 10, 2010


yoyo readers!


hmm~ first things first~

a short message to li yuen!! :

Li yuen~

euu're still 1 of us no matter wat de!


don't thing to much kayss?

anything happen just come find me n i'll help euu solve it de kayss?

don't be soo lonely & emo everyday~ euu still have us rite?

well... euu still have me, tinn & fang!!! hahaha

just ..... don't be soo emo .. i'm right here whenever euu want me!


something terrified happened to me just now!


my cat "feifei" caught a baby rat home..>< *screamsss*

then of cause i quickly take it away..

well... after my sisterx took some pichass? hahah~

*gonna upload the pichass if have time?*


and then the babyy rat soo mean!

it bite me..T.T


n it hurtss!..T.T


haiixx... welll tat's a terrified day for me~


p.s : dont' laugh..><><''

baixxa then~ :pp

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