Tuesday, July 6, 2010

new layouts! ^.^

Yeah! My sister helped me change my new blog layout! =p

I want to learn how to do those things myself but then.....i don't noe how -.-

N also! My dashboard don't have the "design" thinigi so i can't change anything -.-

Only my sister have.....kekdao right? 

U guys like our new layouts ma?

I love it so muchie!!!! =D



On sunday me n my family (excluding my brother because he went to his class trip) we went out! =p

At first we went to a restaurant called "Country Patch" 

Then my parents left us to go out shopping in The Mall 

us as in like me, ying n my older sister~ =D

Oh ya! we also took some pictures in the car! =p

Then only we went to "The Mall"

LOL! ^.^

We bought a new shirt!!!!!

I love it so muchie! =D

See.....nice leh~ =p

U guys can't really see the colour right? nvm~ there's more =D

Nice leh~ the shirt~ =D


I'm gonna upload these into facebook but then my school's computer is banned to use facebook le~ so i'll have to upload it next time ^.^

gtg now~ bye guys! =D ^.^ =] =p

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