Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Freezing! =(

I'm sitting straight under the air-con so its damn cold here! >.<

My hands are freezing! >.<

I wish to change my sitting place but then i can't cause there's no other places to sit....i think~ =D

Some of ma friends ask me if i could go to see their dancing competition on this Friday~ but then i don't noe if i can.....i wish i can though~

I really wanna watch! =p

Then they say after that, they will go n make T-shirt for our group (JSGX) but then don't noe if they really will go or not~ LOL! =D

I hope they could though! cause i can't wait to see the T-shirt! >.<

I'm so excited bout it!!!! =D


Hmm....i just finished doing my computer classwork so nothing to do le~

I'm onlining in ebuddy.com right now~ but then no one is onlining -.-

I mean there is but then i don't noe those guys de~ they are strangers to me =p


School banned us from using facebook so i can't go in now =.=

haizz.....boring ah if no facebook..... but then oh~ have picnik.com(a editing picture website) so not very very boring lah~ heehee =D

gonna stop here now~ bye bye for now! =d

tata my readers~ ^^V =p

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