Wednesday, July 7, 2010


ok....first of we can look at our class photos le! as in like samples so that we can see if we wanted which one than tomorrow give $11 to teacher than u can get the pictures! =p

expensive mah? i have no idea~ =p

I ordered all of it~ 1 picture $1 i think.....haha!=D

*change topic*

Tomorrow i'm gonna have "CHINESE ORAL EXAM"!!!! I'm so dead!!!!!>.<

cause i don't noe how to read!!! although i'm chinese....LOL! 

I noe....chinese people should noe how to read chinese but then i hate chinese -.- although(again) i speak chinese with my friends n family~ =p

GAH! I'm so dead! I'm sure i'm gonna have very very low marks -.-

ying said that it's quite easy reading the passage thingi~ *she had her chinese oral today* but then she said that the picture thingi de is quite hard!  >.<

I wish i could get the same passage as ying de tomorrow! *praying* =p

*change topic(again)*

Tomorrow i'm also gonna have P.E lesson so that means.....I'm gonna have to run for 1500m round the field again! 

N the worst part is..... It's an exam ah!!!

I want to get high marks!!!! cause i like P.E lessons~ T.T

I swear my legs are going to hurt a lot for a few days! >.<

I hate that feeling...i mean the legs hurting(duh! who doesn't -.-) 

It's hard to do anything when my legs are going to hurt so much -.-

Wish me luck for tomorrow's chinese oral n also my 1500m run round the field! =D

For those who did wish me luck.....THANK YOU!!!! =D

n for those who didn't.....*speechless* LOL! =p

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