Saturday, June 5, 2010

stay back for a while~ / am i happier or not?

My form teacher said that some of the students in Y8B to stay back to help clean the classroom so that in the holiday we won't have to come~

I've been choose n also 2 of JSGX de members which is cynthia n rezel~

But i'm not really happy bout that~ cause "SOMEONE" is gonna stay back too =.=

Hope u guys noe who i'm talking bout! =D

Mr.Foong said that his going to have a gathering for the helpers(in counselling) when school re-opens~ i'm quite excited bout it =D cause i never had this kind of gatherings before =p


*change topic*

I wanna ask u guys something~ umm.....

Am i happier than last time or not? i'm saying last time as in like last year or last last year........... u noe~ =p

*this question is for all the people that wanna answer this~*

Just tell me in my C box ya!=p

I really wanna noe! =p

please tell me! =p

thank you! ^^

ok~ i'm gonna end here now~ bye bye! 

*hope u guys will reply ma question =p*

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