Thursday, June 3, 2010

Parent's day~

Today CHMS had an event for parents to come to school n meet our form teacher....or other teachers too~

Yup~ it's called parents day!

Some students will think it's a disaster for them cause they'll be afraid their form teacher would say any bad stuffs that they did in class but some students will think it's a no big deal~

Will i'm one of them in the no big deal students =D

I'm not afraid teachers will say any bad stuffs behind my back n that's because i always go with my parents to meet my teachers =D

n also because i didn't even did anything wrong =]

I'm not vain-ing ok~ just to let u guys noe~ =p


my form teacher didn't say any bad things bout me~ (n it's not because i am over there staring at her =p) but my teacher did say that i need to work hard~

But i already got good results =p

i got 5 80+ , 3 70+ , 1 60+ n 1 50+

ok le ho?o.o

I also don't noe =p

My parents weren't really happy with my brother's result though~

they already said that they have to keep my brother's Yu-Gi-Oh cards le~ n also cannot always play PS2~

They kept on nagging my brother~(luckily i didn't get nag ^^Y)

After that~ we went to first emporium to go buy foods~ =p

I bought a notebook!!!!!

I love it so muchie!

I even drew the word "JSGX" at the back n also filled it with colours =D

the reason y i bought a new notebook was because i used up all the papers(actually not all of it, but it's close =p)

Last time me n my friends kept on using my notebook to chat(using writing in my notebook) so that's y it is used up so quickly~ =p

umm......after that~ we went home~ then wait for like (umm......) 2-3 hours then i went to tuition le~

ok~ nothing much happen after that~ so i'm gonna stop here~

i'm stopping here is also because my dad wouldn't let me use the computer le~


tomorrow have extra class T.T

i hate it~ it's my only time to use computer leh (except for saturday night) =(


chao guys!

nightz~ sleep tight don't let the bed bugs bite~ =D 


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