Sunday, June 13, 2010


Yesterday i went to "MIRI"!

It wasn't really fun for me cause my feet hurt so much from walking so long with my mother n also wearing a very uncomfortable shoe T.T


Frank and JSGX members, i didn't get to buy anything for u guys! SORRY!

cause i kept on accompanying my mother to go buy clothes so i didn't get to look on my needs to buy u guys anything~

i'm really sorry! T.T

Maybe next time i'll buy~ but then i don't noe when is the next time~ 

Maybe u guys'll have to wait till next year~ LOL!

But i'll try~

OH YA!!!!

Maybe in the end of the year then i can buy u guys something! cause maybe i'll be going out country(?)


Anyways~ going back to what i'm gonna say bout going to Miri~(y do i kept on changing topic? =.=)

hmm......nothing to talk bout though~ So.....i'm just gonna post pictures ya~ =p



[gangsters!!! no lah~ i don't noe~ =p]

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