Wednesday, October 28, 2009

[Wan Fang]
Sorry guys, these days or weeks already i haven't even blog anything. It's cause i'm really bz with my exams. And also my mum won't let me use the computer cause i need to exam liaw.
I can post this blog cause i'm using the computer lab in my school. It's a free period so my teacher brought us here. Jie ur right, luckily u didn't create a blog for ying or else no post one.
It's kinda boring these few days cuase always study only. SO BORING AH!!!!!!!
At school of course it's fun cause have friends to play with.
Today i'm gonna stay back after school cause i have tuition T.T
Need to tuition lagi. Very bz everyday.
I kept on thinking today is Thursday n i don't noe y.....
I've just finish watching "snake on the plane" at the english activity room.
Last time i watched "Titanic". So sad ah!!!!
At the end i got cry haha =p
cause the song also very sad. =p
Bah end here lah. I want to finish playing other thingz

Thursday, October 15, 2009

[Wan Fang]

These song was very nice.
I like it very much

and also a song called "She wolf by Shakira". I like it very much the song only but the mv i don't like it at all. =p

I knew it from the channel "713" or was it "714"

Haha i forgotten =p

Saturday, October 3, 2009

My trip to China(Beijing and Mongolia)

[Wan Fang]

My flight from Brunei to Singapore only needed to use about 1 hour and 45 minutes.

Then i have to wait for.....around 2 or 4 hours(i forgot) in Changi airport.

[me, my sister(wanying) n my brother shopping until the half way then take photo =p]

Very lame ah over there at Changi Airport cause there's nothing for me to buy. But my brother bought a very small speaker n a portable changer for his ipod.

After 2 or 4 hours( which is around 12 mindnight), I flew(not by person by airplane) to Beijing which was around 6 in the morning then i got there.

It was really very tired for my tours. After that we didn'
t even went to the hotel to rest for a while then we have t
o go to a place name "Gu Gong".
[Gu Gong]

As u all noe that it was very tired for
us so we all don't haveany mood enjoy that day. That place very huge man. We have to walk for a long long long way to reach until the end.

Then another "jing dian" i forgot what the name was
called n also i forgot where i went so I'm not gonna talk bout that. There are other days that i forgot the names n also the place that i went so don't mind it =p

Oh ya n after i talk all about my trip to China which is Beijing n Mongolia, I'm gonna show u guys the pictures that i have taken during my trip =p

Anyway....The third place that i went on the tiring day was one of Beijing's zoo. There are a lot f pandas n a lot of birds. I also took a video of a panda scratching his butt. HAHA =p . But i don't noe where it went......

[The panda was sleeping HAHA =p]

[I saw ducks tooin The Beijing's Zoo]

N the forth "jing dian" that i went was the Wan
Fu Jing Street. It was really crowded in t
here. There are a lot.... of people.

[There's scorpions nbaby seahorses to.... SO DISGUSTING!!!!!]

[ my mum go n took a picture of a amorang eating the scorpians but it's fake, they buy it to take pictures only. Their not gonna eat itone HAHA!]

N then i went back to our hotel(FINALLY) n got some rest.

The next day, the first place that i went was.....
I forgot. HAHA. Sorry guys but i really forgotten it =p

N then the second place that i went was...(drums rolling)

haha =p very lame man i just now do like that =p

[This is me n my sister, wanying taking picture with th
e The Great Wall Of China]

[Me n my sister in the Great Wall Of China~somewhere~]

[me n my family~ haha =p]

Then the third "jing dian" that i went n see was The Acrobatic show. It's awesome. HAHA =p
The we went back to our hotel n rest. I'm not gonna blog bout the foods that we ate cause i think it's wasting my time n also i always ate the same food in Beijing =(

Then the third day, i went to a place called the Capital Museum.....i forgot what that showed us. HAHA =p

Then we all went to the Beijing Di Shen Silk Products Co, Itd of Beijing. It's producing silk one...(i think)

Oh ya, forgot to tell u guys that Cikgu Tai n her whole family went with us. HAHA =p

N also a girl from CHMS called Xin Yu n her mother went too.

The third place that i went that day was.....(drums rolling again)

[Then this the picture that we've taken with the tanki thingi haha =p]

But it's not really interesting cause i only went to the outside part of it not the inside part of it so i still don't noe how it looks like in the inside. I mean i noe but i want to see it in person

Then the forth " jing dian" was the Shuai Li Fang...I think it's a big swimming pool. Xin yu's mother say it looks like a very huge tanki. haha =p
[Me n my family again with the Bird Nest Stadium]

Then after that we went to a place called "Gu Tong". Over there we all sat tricycle. It's really fun. The wind was very cold so it's very relaxing =p

Then we went to Tian Tan( Not Tian Tang it's Tian **Tan). Over don't noe what to see one. Very boring haha =p
[The picture of Tian Tan]

Then after the tour to Tian **Tan. We went to the Red Theater or was it called Beijing Tian Chuang Hunayu Theater. Either that lah. The tujuan was to went n see a Shaolin Kung Fu. It was really really amazing. I really love it a lot. I wanted to buy the DVD but i am very sure that my mum will definitely won't let me. Even if i didn't ask.

Then on the 20 of September i went to Mongolia. I learn a word called "sai pan no"(in mongolia word). The meaning sai pan no was "ni hao".

I only learned that word cause it's the tour guide who told us. HAHA =p
[This is a picture in the mogolia house thingi....i don't noe what they called it haha =p]

Then after that we went to a place my mum keep on forgeting to tell me the name so i don't noe. But we went there to ride horses. I rode it by myself. No people pulled it one. Only my mum wants somebody to pulled it and everybody rode it by themselves.
[This is me n wanying with one of the hourses]

[This is the horse that i rode. It's very nice n gentle to me but sometimes it's naughty =p]
[This is wanying's horse. It's quite naughty cause it keep on bitting other people's horse]

I love the horse that i rode.

Then after riding horses. We went back to our hotel( in mongolia). But on our way back we say "Huang He"
[This is Huang He although it's not very clear cause we took it from the bus]

Then the next day, i went to a desert(real ones). We all rode camels. N rode a gigantic car to go touring around the desert. N also i had played sand slide. haha =p
[Me n Ying at the desert]

[Me n my family~not all in there~]

[The car that we'd tour around the desert]

[This is an oasis]

[One of the places in the desert]

[The one on the left is ying then the one on the right is ME haha =p]

[This is how we tour around the desert also]

[This is called sand sliding] =p haha

The the third day in Mongolia, we all went to a place called "yi he yan". I forgot what it's bout oledi. haha =p

Then i don't noe if there's any other places that i went that day. HAHA =p

Oh but we did celebrate my brother's b'day at Mongolia. haha =p . Gonna show u the pictures.

Then the next day after going to the desert, we went back to Beijing which is a 1 hour flight to Beijing(forgotten to tell u guys) =p

But then i forgot where we went the last day in Beijing. HAHA =p
i only noe we went to a supermarket. Then i have an adventure but then i lazy to tell oledi. haha =p

Next time i'll edit it again cause there will be more pictures

Bye ya =p

sorry. I promise i will post the pictures again


Thursday, October 1, 2009

[Wan Fang]


I haven't load in the pictures( from beijing n mongolia ones) into my pendrive so i can't blog bout that first.


i don't noe what to blog bout now.....

Oh ya i noe oledi.

Umm.....tomorrow i'm going to Shu Shin's house cause i'm gonna do our history project.

This project is going to be easy maybe haha =p

I don't really noe cause i haven't done it.

bah end here first cause now i wanna see mangas =p




Still missing my sister T.T