Wednesday, October 28, 2009

[Wan Fang]
Sorry guys, these days or weeks already i haven't even blog anything. It's cause i'm really bz with my exams. And also my mum won't let me use the computer cause i need to exam liaw.
I can post this blog cause i'm using the computer lab in my school. It's a free period so my teacher brought us here. Jie ur right, luckily u didn't create a blog for ying or else no post one.
It's kinda boring these few days cuase always study only. SO BORING AH!!!!!!!
At school of course it's fun cause have friends to play with.
Today i'm gonna stay back after school cause i have tuition T.T
Need to tuition lagi. Very bz everyday.
I kept on thinking today is Thursday n i don't noe y.....
I've just finish watching "snake on the plane" at the english activity room.
Last time i watched "Titanic". So sad ah!!!!
At the end i got cry haha =p
cause the song also very sad. =p
Bah end here lah. I want to finish playing other thingz

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