Saturday, October 3, 2009

My trip to China(Beijing and Mongolia)

[Wan Fang]

My flight from Brunei to Singapore only needed to use about 1 hour and 45 minutes.

Then i have to wait for.....around 2 or 4 hours(i forgot) in Changi airport.

[me, my sister(wanying) n my brother shopping until the half way then take photo =p]

Very lame ah over there at Changi Airport cause there's nothing for me to buy. But my brother bought a very small speaker n a portable changer for his ipod.

After 2 or 4 hours( which is around 12 mindnight), I flew(not by person by airplane) to Beijing which was around 6 in the morning then i got there.

It was really very tired for my tours. After that we didn'
t even went to the hotel to rest for a while then we have t
o go to a place name "Gu Gong".
[Gu Gong]

As u all noe that it was very tired for
us so we all don't haveany mood enjoy that day. That place very huge man. We have to walk for a long long long way to reach until the end.

Then another "jing dian" i forgot what the name was
called n also i forgot where i went so I'm not gonna talk bout that. There are other days that i forgot the names n also the place that i went so don't mind it =p

Oh ya n after i talk all about my trip to China which is Beijing n Mongolia, I'm gonna show u guys the pictures that i have taken during my trip =p

Anyway....The third place that i went on the tiring day was one of Beijing's zoo. There are a lot f pandas n a lot of birds. I also took a video of a panda scratching his butt. HAHA =p . But i don't noe where it went......

[The panda was sleeping HAHA =p]

[I saw ducks tooin The Beijing's Zoo]

N the forth "jing dian" that i went was the Wan
Fu Jing Street. It was really crowded in t
here. There are a lot.... of people.

[There's scorpions nbaby seahorses to.... SO DISGUSTING!!!!!]

[ my mum go n took a picture of a amorang eating the scorpians but it's fake, they buy it to take pictures only. Their not gonna eat itone HAHA!]

N then i went back to our hotel(FINALLY) n got some rest.

The next day, the first place that i went was.....
I forgot. HAHA. Sorry guys but i really forgotten it =p

N then the second place that i went was...(drums rolling)

haha =p very lame man i just now do like that =p

[This is me n my sister, wanying taking picture with th
e The Great Wall Of China]

[Me n my sister in the Great Wall Of China~somewhere~]

[me n my family~ haha =p]

Then the third "jing dian" that i went n see was The Acrobatic show. It's awesome. HAHA =p
The we went back to our hotel n rest. I'm not gonna blog bout the foods that we ate cause i think it's wasting my time n also i always ate the same food in Beijing =(

Then the third day, i went to a place called the Capital Museum.....i forgot what that showed us. HAHA =p

Then we all went to the Beijing Di Shen Silk Products Co, Itd of Beijing. It's producing silk one...(i think)

Oh ya, forgot to tell u guys that Cikgu Tai n her whole family went with us. HAHA =p

N also a girl from CHMS called Xin Yu n her mother went too.

The third place that i went that day was.....(drums rolling again)

[Then this the picture that we've taken with the tanki thingi haha =p]

But it's not really interesting cause i only went to the outside part of it not the inside part of it so i still don't noe how it looks like in the inside. I mean i noe but i want to see it in person

Then the forth " jing dian" was the Shuai Li Fang...I think it's a big swimming pool. Xin yu's mother say it looks like a very huge tanki. haha =p
[Me n my family again with the Bird Nest Stadium]

Then after that we went to a place called "Gu Tong". Over there we all sat tricycle. It's really fun. The wind was very cold so it's very relaxing =p

Then we went to Tian Tan( Not Tian Tang it's Tian **Tan). Over don't noe what to see one. Very boring haha =p
[The picture of Tian Tan]

Then after the tour to Tian **Tan. We went to the Red Theater or was it called Beijing Tian Chuang Hunayu Theater. Either that lah. The tujuan was to went n see a Shaolin Kung Fu. It was really really amazing. I really love it a lot. I wanted to buy the DVD but i am very sure that my mum will definitely won't let me. Even if i didn't ask.

Then on the 20 of September i went to Mongolia. I learn a word called "sai pan no"(in mongolia word). The meaning sai pan no was "ni hao".

I only learned that word cause it's the tour guide who told us. HAHA =p
[This is a picture in the mogolia house thingi....i don't noe what they called it haha =p]

Then after that we went to a place my mum keep on forgeting to tell me the name so i don't noe. But we went there to ride horses. I rode it by myself. No people pulled it one. Only my mum wants somebody to pulled it and everybody rode it by themselves.
[This is me n wanying with one of the hourses]

[This is the horse that i rode. It's very nice n gentle to me but sometimes it's naughty =p]
[This is wanying's horse. It's quite naughty cause it keep on bitting other people's horse]

I love the horse that i rode.

Then after riding horses. We went back to our hotel( in mongolia). But on our way back we say "Huang He"
[This is Huang He although it's not very clear cause we took it from the bus]

Then the next day, i went to a desert(real ones). We all rode camels. N rode a gigantic car to go touring around the desert. N also i had played sand slide. haha =p
[Me n Ying at the desert]

[Me n my family~not all in there~]

[The car that we'd tour around the desert]

[This is an oasis]

[One of the places in the desert]

[The one on the left is ying then the one on the right is ME haha =p]

[This is how we tour around the desert also]

[This is called sand sliding] =p haha

The the third day in Mongolia, we all went to a place called "yi he yan". I forgot what it's bout oledi. haha =p

Then i don't noe if there's any other places that i went that day. HAHA =p

Oh but we did celebrate my brother's b'day at Mongolia. haha =p . Gonna show u the pictures.

Then the next day after going to the desert, we went back to Beijing which is a 1 hour flight to Beijing(forgotten to tell u guys) =p

But then i forgot where we went the last day in Beijing. HAHA =p
i only noe we went to a supermarket. Then i have an adventure but then i lazy to tell oledi. haha =p

Next time i'll edit it again cause there will be more pictures

Bye ya =p

sorry. I promise i will post the pictures again


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