Friday, March 22, 2013


hey hey! 

surprisingly, i'm blogging right now! HAHAHA!

i have nothing to do so yeah~ sorry blog, you're just my when-i'm-boring-then-I-will-use-you program~ =)

currently skype-ing with Zel~ one of my bestfriend~

we're discussing about our POA holiday homework which is EXTREMELY hard! seriously!

i have to literally flipped through 3 POA books in order to know how to do just one account~ why POA!? why are you so hard? 

my dad wants me to take POA course when i go for my uni but POA is so hard~ i don't think i can survive.....but i don't know what to study......

been thinking a lot about what i want to study so i wouldn't regret in the future but i really am not very good in a particular subject so it's hard~ help? 

thought about Hotel Management but i don't think it's suitable for me~ i'm not a leader type~ i don't really know how to make a decision with confidence so yeah~ i'm gonna suck at it~ 

thought about lawyer last time but i suck at debating~ i always lost fight against my brothers and sisters~ -__________-

i can consider teacher~ it's my ambition when i was little but teachers are hard to be~ they don't get really high salaries~ and they don't really have much holidays~  a lot of paper works to finish~

i know working isn't fun and relaxing~ but being a teacher is only at losses~ I won't gain anything (omg! i'm talking like a POA freak ! D: *gains and losses*) besides teaching children stuffs and all that but i want to work as something important~ i want high salaries even if i don't get many holidays (i would mostly like to have it though).  

i need money to take care of my parents in the future~ yeah~ i know....i'm thinking way too far for just a 16 year old me~ but i can't help it~ i'm worried~

anyways~ my holiday is gonna come to an end~ today's the last day~ starting school on a Saturday which is weird~ why not start on a Monday? -_______- 

gonna have extra classes from Monday until Thurday~ which means i won't have time *again* to study for my upcoming exam on April~ -______- i have tuition at night and school in the morning until the afternoon~ everyday is a busy day~ =( 

can't help it~ i'm a form 5 student this year~ HUGE EXAM coming up! 

wish me luck! <3


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