Thursday, November 22, 2012


omg! it's been so long since i last posted something.....HAHAHA! i'm too lazy to blog anything~ since there's no one to read it, why blog? right?

I can say that it's been...maybe 2 to 3 months that i didn't even visit my OWN blog~ o.o can't believe it right? (well....maybe you can...)

since my exams are over, there's nothing to do~ i don't have to study~ which leads me to feeling so freaking bored and so that's why I'm now, here blogging~

i don't know why it's getting boring-er everytime I go online~ there's nothing to check up on~ nothing to search for~ i'm always wanting to download We Got Married but the internet sucks now, period. It's so freaking annoying! i miss the internet signals in UK~ -_____-

i can't download a single video! i don't like watching online cause I like it better to save it so I could re-watch it next time ( eventhough i mostly won't).

I don't feel like watching Tales of The Abyss ( ston kept asking me to watch and always saying that it's super nice because of their powers and stuffs so i ended up getting pulled to watch it, eventhough i don't watch Japanese cartoons ).

I don't feel like watching The Mentalist either~


oh ya! i'm on a diet now! not surprise right? i always said that but I'm really serious now! oh....i ate a piece of bread just now....aww! my diet! guess i'm gonna have to exercise more tomorrow! =) *hwaiting*

oh! my birthday's coming up people! although i'm not anticipating anything to happen or anything~ but i get to go school! Which means, friends are gonna wish me a happy birthday~ i don't get that often since my birthday is so end of the year~ mostly it would be a holiday~ so yeah~ i'm so happy! =D

k, i'm gonna end my post here. there's nothing to post about anymore~ and I know that it's so boring reading my nonsense so yeah~ i'm gonna end it. 


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