Monday, September 10, 2012

Hole in your face

I'm currently in love with Harry Potter. Yes i'm slow i know but at least i'm reading what's really famous all around the world and is known to everyone :) it's never too late for anything.

Done with book 1 and am starting with book 2 now. Gonna continue with book 3, 4, 5 and so on soon :) Bet it's gonna take a while :p Haven't had the time but i promise i will finish it someday! :) just wait and see!

And now another update of myy current top list song! :) Don't know where it's gonna be ranked at? but any rank is fine since it's soo awesome! :D

Phantom - Hole in your face

I don't know why but i'm soo into them right now. Especially the lead singer #loveeyes 

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