Friday, September 28, 2012

London, UK (Part One)

went out of stuff to blog about (i always ran out of stuff to blog don't I?) haha. And so i've decided (HAHA!)  to just put up some awesome pictures of wonderful London, UK that i've been to last month.

JUST PICTURES OKAY. Nothing to caption about anyway since i've totally forgot about those names and remembered those scenes prettttyyy vividly :)

But wait, first, introduction of U-Kiss's new song, Stop Girl . Total loving it .Soo addictive #loves

Stop Girl in the name of love!~ lalalala



Covent Garden



Monday, September 10, 2012

Hole in your face

I'm currently in love with Harry Potter. Yes i'm slow i know but at least i'm reading what's really famous all around the world and is known to everyone :) it's never too late for anything.

Done with book 1 and am starting with book 2 now. Gonna continue with book 3, 4, 5 and so on soon :) Bet it's gonna take a while :p Haven't had the time but i promise i will finish it someday! :) just wait and see!

And now another update of myy current top list song! :) Don't know where it's gonna be ranked at? but any rank is fine since it's soo awesome! :D

Phantom - Hole in your face

I don't know why but i'm soo into them right now. Especially the lead singer #loveeyes 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Eonjenganeun uri dasi mannari

How long has it been? nahh i don't really recall but im back! :) 

As always, there is not much to blog about cause my life is always THIS boring so imma just list down myy current top 8 song for you guys to just update something :)

#8 [Day By Day - T-ara]

#7 [Love Style - Boyfriend]

#6 [Sexy , Free & Single - Super Junior]

#5 [Someday - Lee Hyun]

#4 [Someday - Super Junior]

#3 [La Di Da Di - Cross Gene]

#2 [Rock Your Body - Vixx]

#1 [Burning - Phantom]