Saturday, March 24, 2012

i just want to give up~ but doing it is not as easy as saying it

just got back from KK (Kota Kinabalu) yesterday~ 

yeah~ my parents brought us to KK for a short vacation! =D

even though my Test 1 is just after the holidays~ kinda~ HAHAHAHA!

i bought some new clothes, a pair of earrings and a pair of new shoes! I LOVE EVERYONE OF IT! <3

ying took a picture of our new shoes only though~ our clothes and my earrings....lazy to take pictures of it~ HAHAHA!

i didn't use my camera to take pictures~  only used my mum's iphone and sometimes my mum's ipad though~ so imma gonna just upload all though photos i took and posted on facebook ones~ =p

oh ya! 1 day before going to KK, i went and cut my hair~ so short now~ >.O but then at least i don't have to go to the saloon for a few months~ =D

so different isn't it? D:

before reaching KK~ we stopped at Sipitang for lunch and breakfast~ or u can say it as umm....out little snack~ we stopped at a famous restaurant~ famous with what? it's famous with their small breads~ i LOVE their breads! of course lah~ i'm a bread lover! HAHAHAHA! just like my father~ =D

their breads are awesome okie!? super delicious! deeply recommend it! <3

-after reaching KK-

on the first day when we reached KK, my mother brought me, ying and my brother to STARBUCKS! <3 i seldom get to go to Starbucks okie? so, of course , i'm super happy bout it! <3

my mother ordered a cup of Caffe Latte, me and ying ordered a cup of Cocoa Cappuccino and we,together, ordered a piece of Tiramisu cake~ ♥

my brother didn't order anything~ but he drank ours~ LOL! =p

at night ,
 we went to a seafood restaurant~ this coconut pudding! the one below, IS SUPER NICE! jie u remember this isn't it? i bet u're drooling now!  HAHAHAHA! don't be jealous~ daddy mummy will bring u go KK for this one again one! =p 

when u come back that is~ =D

then the above picture, we had it the next day~ which is the second day~ i'm not really a fan of that though~ but my mother loves it~ the name is call : sa liu bao~ it tasted kinda salty~ there's salty egg in it and also some other ingredients~ i don't know~ >.O

 the night before my last day~ i vained in my hotel room~ HAHAHAHA! =D what? =p

 the last day before going back to my HOME SWEET HOME~ we went to Coffee Bean! HAHAHAHA!

from left to right: my brother's The Ultimate, mine's Pure Double Chocolate and ying's Vanilla Latte~ 

nice! <3 

then we went back home le lu~ 

the end of my trip~ =p



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