Thursday, March 1, 2012


yeap! that's right! i'm gonna die soon!

not from any heart attacks, asthma or any other serious diseases but from having to write 6 compositions which is due on Monday~ yeah! this Monday as in the 5th of March! 

i had 1 BM composition and 5 English composition~ i think my teacher's crazy~ -_____- at first she said the due date is on Saturday~ i'm like, HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO WRITE FINISH 5 COMPOSITION IN JUST 2 DAYS TIME?! D: of course i didn't say it in front of my teacher~ that'll be disrespectful~  i was screaming the question in my mind~ i did gawked at my teacher though~ so that's why she decided to change it to Monday~ HAHAHAHAHA!

luckily! at least it's not on Saturday~ >.O i finished my BM composition with 401 words and 1 English composition with 658 words! yeapie? not really~ i still have to do 4 more compositions~ i think i'm breaking my own writing-composition record~ -.-

i'm so tired right now......not sleepy though~ but tired~ >.O 

oh ya! i'm planning on learning korean language online! like through internet! =D i think it's kinda hard~ ='( but nvm! i'll try my best! HEEHEE! =D <3 


*currently my Facebook's display picture! <3 *

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