Saturday, January 7, 2012


hey! i've been busy this first week~ maybe next week too? i don't know~

i've been busy with bookshop's things~ u know~ working~ since my school just re-opened~ so a lot of parents and students came to buy books, clothes etc.~

the bookstore is pack FULLY with people! from recess till a little after recess i'll be busy in the bookstore~ just like today~ -.- i went back to class a little late~ but i have a good reason to that! teacher didn't ask why too~ so maybe he knows why~ =p
after school, i'm so very busy too~ our lunch break is from 1p.m till 2p.m but then~ i don't know why most of the parents LOVE to come at around 1p.m~ so we can't close cause, i don't know why too, they LOVE to come one by one~  it's our lunch break okie?! can't u read the sign where we put it on our door? ' SORRY, WE'RE CLOSE'  <= hello! it's a BIG sign! -.-

aish~ so in the end we only ate our lunch at around 1:30p.m~ then we opened again after 15 minutes cause all the parents are waiting outside~ -_____-

i had p.e today too~ basically we didn't do any exercises~ it's the first week of school re-opening~ we only measured our weight and height~ then teacher said some rules about when we're having p.e lessons~ 

*short post*


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