Thursday, November 24, 2011

last day of school

today's the last day of school for the year 2011 

it was a busy day for me and some of my friends who work in the bookstore~

these days was superb busy because primary 1 to primary 6 received the book list for next year already~ so yeah~ they all came buying new exercise books~ some came to buy new uniforms too~

i hate selling uniforms though~ cause some of the parents don't know what their children's size is then they'll ask me what size they are but i have no idea too! D: 

another reason was because the skirts! i don't know how to find the skirt's size~ -.-

everyday, the bookstore will be in a mess! see the outside, it's clean and nice but  if u go into where we always stands, it'll be so messy! LOL! =D


umm....had a lot of fun today with tinn, z.ying, ying and joelle! =D

thia and the others went training so they didn't work

there was suppose to have lessons today~ but then i stayed at bookstore for the whole day! except for the first to third period though~ lessons meaning staying in class doing nothing~ -.- that's why i went to bookstore~ at least there's something to do there~ LOL! =p


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