Saturday, November 19, 2011

fun? definitely! :D

as you knoww i had myy party the past two daysss! HEHEEH and it was a-w-e-s-o-m-e! but amm gonna apologize again to myy dearly sister <3 im sorryyy! i thought you guys mind that's whyyy i didn't greet you guys yesterdayyy :x

okayyy~ pictures will be filled in this blog! ENJOY! HHEHE

starting withhh! babe~ slept over at our house since her dad couldn't pick her upp last mins~ all of us woke up early in the morning to have breakfast outside at mata-mata :)

 on our way to mata-mata

yes we finished all since we were soooo hungry :x p.s babe has a really big appetite :p

came home after breakfast and helped mummy out~ :)) then paint our nails! HEHEEH sadly i didn't take a pic of our fingernails ><"" anwaysss~ after after thattt~ we meet up with C,Y,R and K for a hang out and a movie :)

At the mall,

helped babe look for her skinny jeans(?) . walked around the entire mall to look for it but just couldn't find it ><" ended up getting some help from Y after she came! HEHEH she took us to ego, womans and finally found it! although it cost 0.0 but no choice since it's important~ :)

Y and F :)

we all watched "Happy Feet 2" since i've been telling time i wantedd to watch it! and guess what? none regrets! the little penguin in the movie called eric is soo freakin cute! HAHAHA

whenever he appears i hhave the guts of hugging him! <3

we even walked around looking aaron's birthday present~ actually belated birthday present :p hope he likes it! HEHE :D

one thing real funny when we were searching for aaron's  present was that babe had an embarrassing moment! HAHAHAH the shop keepers thought she was shop lifting since the beeper started beeping when she was gonna show me something~ HAHAHA! laugh die us!

At the cinema, 

It was kinda embarrassing actually since we were the only teenagers(i think) who went to watch Happy Feet 2 excluding parents who took their kids. BUT nvm :) i don't really mind~ hehehe

I think K was getting bored in the middle of the movie cause he started aiming popcorn at me! LOLS! seriously? hahah myy first time being thrown at by POPCORNS?! HAHAHAH :D his seat was filled with popcorn when we were about to leave~ LOLS!

At the arcade,

we took some seriously nice photo at the photo booth with these awesome ppl since F was nagging about getting one~ she always wanted to take a picture there with friendsss~ memories okayyy? :p 

we even ran out of time because of repeatedly reshooting it! LOLS :D lastly we only took around 5 pictures~

F's blur here

there's more actually but they took it away soo i couldn't take a pic of it~ sorry! :D

thee end! HEHEHE

oh right! i wanna thanks myy LOVELIES here for what they bought for me ask myy birthday present! :D

lovelies : thia . zel . xuan . ston . sentjay ♥

well, fang already posted the picha~ i'll just post myy nails on from what i did with the nail polish! HEHEEH 

kamsahamnida! mom ae dul uh ♥

translate: thank you soo much! i really like it ♥

pink as base and blue as the paw print! :D

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