Saturday, October 1, 2011


look at what ying did with my nails! so nice kan? LOL! it's panda! =D 

which reminds me~ i've been called by xiongmao jie jie by one little girl! she's so damn cute one lah! =D <3

anyways....i'm not here blogging right now to talk about the nails which is awesome! 

i'm here to talk about what me,ying and my sister did for my brother as a birthday gift! =D 

me, ying and my sister planed on buying a piece of cake for my brother as a birthday gift although it was 2 days late~ heehee~ 

we was planning on going to The Mall and buy a piece of cake for him but my mother just suddenly cancelled it so we can't....but then my sister suggested on going to the camera shop and print out photos like passport size so we could put into our purse and that's when we all planed on going to a cake shop near it!

me and my brother went to the camera shop and ying and my sister went to the cake shop when we reached our destination~ my sister and ying told my brother that ying was complaining about buying some breads for snacks (which was just a lie i think? cause ying didn't buy any) so my brother accompanied me to the camera shop~ =D that's when they made their moves~ while i was destracting my brother....yes i could say i was destracting him i think? =D
when we got back to the car, they was already in the car waiting.....then we went back home without my brother suspecting anything! =D HEE! <3

then at night~ we quickly prepared everything then went upstairs and surprised my brother! he was totally shocked and surprised! =D

i think my brother love it? well....he is happy! =D


(p/s: this post was suppose to be posted on Thursday but then blogger don't let me upload any photos into my blog so ya~ i can't post it on Thursday~ =p)

(pictures that i went to the camera shop and printed out =p)

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