Thursday, October 13, 2011


guess what we did on that day?

ston and zel came to my house! why? because we wanted to buy the cake, that we've been planning, for cherng! =D

it's damn beautiful one u know? we went to LeApple and bought the cake cause my mother have the discount card~ =D
i was kind of shock that my mother would bring us there u know? just because we wanted to buy a cake then my mother brought us to LeApple~ appreciated it a lot! HEE! =D

anyways~ ston was damn funny as always~ zel too! =p

and of course , as always , i took pictures! how could i not? i seldom get to invite my friends over to my house ya know? =p

just came to my house~ i think? =p

 they seems to love playing with the swing~ LOL! =D

 took some pictures in the car~ =D

 i didn't take any pictures in LeApple cause i'm afraid they wouldn't let~ >.O
so i came back home and only took the picture of the box but not the cake~ y? cause we all don't know how to re-tie the strings~ -.- LOL! =D

these 3 pictures is taken by ston~ =p

before we had tea time~ ston and zel went out and played with the swing again~ =D

these are what we had for tea time~ =D
p/s: it is not bake by my mother cause she's too tired~ LOL! =p

 *taken by ston*

after tea time, we played WII! LOL! =D and also PS2! =D ston brought his Digimon disc and so we played Digimon~ =D

zel said this statue is so cute! that's why she took a picture with it~ LOL! =p

*ston is punching ying's stomach! LOL!*

-end- <3

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