Thursday, June 23, 2011

hey hey hey!

hey hey hey! LOL! i noe i haven't been blogging much? but that is because i've been bz k?busy with what? with school, homeworks, tuitions and stuffs~ =p

i'm EVERYDAY tired~ -.-

urgh~ but then another owner of this blog even worst~ she didn't even think about blogging lah! at least i have right? =D


nothing much happen~ oh ya! my school have a new rules le~ that is.....every we MUST wear a tie~ but i kinda like it though~ =D cause it looks more nicer on everyone rather than not wearing a tie~ umm.....they all look more smarter~ boys and girls both~ =p

then yesterday....ston bought a packet of water balloon to school~ then a lot of people played with it~ but without the water nia~ they kept on popping the balloons in class ah! >.< n only yesterday i realized i'm so afraid of balloons popping~ >.< it's so scary ah! D:

then cherng kept on bullying me liaw when he knows that i'm afraid~ -.- he kept on popping it in front of me~ -.- LOL! but nvm lah~ it's just playing ain't it? =p


okie i have to go now! BYE! <3


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