Thursday, April 21, 2011

Go green, Stay Green! Earth Day!


Today my school holds a Earth Day ceremony~ so yeah! we didn't study! at last! LOL! =p

i think it's the first time this year~ =p was kinda boring~ -.- but then also fun cause we get to watch my juniors and seniors to perform~ i like the most the the "Fashion Show" one though~ =p

Vili so pretty leh! =D 

Then half way during the performances.......i borrowed Shyang's phone to play "Pizza Shop" but then Mr.Wu was always walking around near us so i can't play his games~ -.-

then after all those performing.....all the secondary students stayed back so a meeting~ no counted as meeting but then seems like one~ =D

we talked bout people needing to join our school's "interschool" sports~ but then not one went up there to sign up~ LOL? =D

the the head of PE department one which is called Teacher Wu( NOT Mr.Wu ah! =p ) started calling out names to come n sign up~ 

but then she can't remember all of their names right? so she went down the stage n started picking out students~ =p

then when she reached my row of chairs there, she saw ying then said : "EH! the twins! u two! come up and join!" 

i was like OMG! D: i was even hiding behind one of my friend's back ah! D: i was wishing she wouldn't see us but then ying wasn't hiding~ -.-

then oh! i also got embarrassed cause when she said "THE TWINS" a LOT of people turned their heads over to our directions~ i was like "WHAT? D:" but then i, of course, didn't said it out loud~ duh? =p

Then of course i went up~ who wouldn't when they've been called out in front of so many people~ -.-

then Teacher Wu said that their's training on Saturday at 3:15p.m~ but i'm not going! YEAH! cause i have tuition at 1:30p.m till 3:30p.m~ 

i noe! it's just pass 15minutes but i won't have other times for training also~ cause i'm busy EVERYDAY except for Friday and Sunday~......those r my resting days so no~ -.-

shh! don't tell anyone! LOL? =D

my school also gave us a badge to mark the Earth Day event~ *look below* :

then while i was finding this badge, which i threw it into my messy drawer~ >.O, i found this badge:

i got this this year! on the 27th National Day in Brunei Darussalam! i performed as u all noe so i got this~ =p

i miss all those times~ T.T 

oh ya! i've been wanting to see how it looks like on television! =D 

okie! so now off to watch it on youtube! if they've posted it on youtube or not that is~ =p

BYE! ^.^v


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