Sunday, December 26, 2010

It's almost Chinese New Year! =D

lol! sorry guys! i haven't been blogging these days~ cause i can't really use the computer anymore~ =p for some reason~ ^.^v

anyways~ on Thursday i went out with my BFF claudia n ZhenCherng, my brother + some of his friends~ =D
Had a super duper fun! whee! LOL! =p

i love it! =D we watched Tron Legacy that day~ 

this movie is super cool! especially the bike! =D

i wish i have a bike like that~ LOL! just kidding but it's beautiful isn't it? =p

 this movie is better than megamind i think~ i don't really like megamind~ i don't noe y~ =p

anyways~ after that~ we went to see some korean stuffs~ then some games~ then we went to the Arcade to take some pictures! =D

see....... =p

sorry it's kinds blurr~ cause i can't scan it into my computer~ i don't have that kinda program so i'll just have to take it with my camera~ LOL! but at least there's it right? =D


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