Friday, December 10, 2010

♥ day 1 in kapalai island ♥

wat's myy feeling for da first day? EXCITED!!! who wouldn't be? hahahaha it's a trip okayy~ should be excited!! HAHAHA :DD

i was on da 1st plane~ nothing to do sooo i took out myy book and started drawing some random stuff~ hahaha

i noe i noe~ there's no fingers, no eyes, no noes, no mouth and it's ugly~ but trust me if i addd those in, it would be UGLIER hahahaha and alsoooo it's kinda hard to draw on a plane :p

finally 40 mins flight ishh over and we reached KK!

all of us was feeling boring sooo went to "1 Borneo" to shop~ called 3 vans cause we have 31 ppl? i guess? hahaha

bet you guys are wondering why ishh there soo much ppl? well~ it's myy daddy's company trip~ hahaha :D

reached "1 Borneo" and da first thing we do ishh eat! we're hungry! didn't eat dinner soooo was really hungryyyy.... :)
speaking about hungry-nest im hungry now ><""

went to a restaurant called... ermm.. called......manhattan something de...i forgot ><"" LOL  sowii~ hahaha

but i noe da name of da dish!

mine: Wrap N Roll

and fang's ishh "Manhattan flaming Prawn"

OMG! those pichasss really made me feel hungry T.T

anywaysss~ after tat we shop around da whole mall~

there's even a dog show there!!!!! all those dogs looked sooo freaking cute! :3

especially da golden retriever! their hair looks sooo fluffy! :DD

shop till really tired and worst of all we didn't buy anything -.-'' soo we stopped for drinks~ mine ishh milk tea with pearl and myy koko de i dunno? some mango fruit de i guess? LOL

saw cynthia while drinking! talked for a while then bye bye liaw cause she have to go and also we have to go~ :33

6.30 meet up with daddy's friends and then off to airport again~ 

flight depart at 8.30. reached there about 9.15? LOL forgot again~ sowii :33 myy memory ishh not tat good~ wahahahahaha

finally hotel here i come! 

althought it's not da best hotel~ well.. it's just a 3 star hotel~ but at least we have a place to sleep in! :DD

all of us had dinner at 11 something?!!! it's counted as supper liaw -.-'' no choice~ no time for dinner and also Air Asia didn't supply foods de~ :DD

after tat me, fang and ko went back to our hotel rooms first. took a bath  then *yawn* night! *sleeps*

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