Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Megamind 3D

Yesterday i went to The Mall with my brother n sister + shintinn, Kae Sen, Zhi Hung n one of my brother's friend who i don't noe his full name....

we watched Megamind 3D! =D

well.....i didn't noe that Metroman's voice was Brad Pitt's~ LOL! =D

Some of the part was damn funny! =p u guys got to see this! 

.................oh ya~ i forgotten maybe u guys watched it le~ cause it's out for a long time liaw~ HAHAHAHA! =D

but some didn't get to watched it right? well....u guys have got to watch! it's kinda nice! =D

i was sitting in the first row so when i came out my neck was like very painful~ HAHAHAHAHA~ what? no choice bwa~ no more seats liaw -.-

i wish we could re-wind then go back to yesteryda~ =p it's really fun! i wanna do it again! =D

i wanna go out with claudia(my BFF) too! =D next time can go! maybe~ then i'll be the 4 of us(me, ying, dia2 n shintinn)

it'll be super fun! =D i'm sure bout that!!!!! ^.^

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