Sunday, November 7, 2010

extreme gurl

short post for today~

staarting with!!::

i boredddddd. there's nothing to do here -.-'''

mummy and daddy are being romantic~ went out for dinner together and left us 3 at home feeling freaking bored! ><""

i wanna change myy. i mean our blogskin! im getting bored of this 1 -.-'' hahah~

but i dunno how to change! T.T

jieeeeeeee!!! HELP ME!!!!

teach me how to change da blogskin pwssssss??

btw~ jie's not replying me in msn .. sad ... T.T

nudge her twice liaw but she's still not replying me? OO?? T.T

nvm~ im just bored ><""

hopes da competition comes faster and ends faster~ hahahahah

then when da competition ended then school starts again! YAY! HAHAHA =D

ends here thenn~ byexxx

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