Thursday, October 28, 2010

Prom Night!!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥

Today i didn't went to school! cause lazy n also nothing to do at school -.-

so my parents brought me, my sister ying ying n my brother to eat breakfast! =p
after that~ me n ying ying went shopping with my mother!!!!!

my father went back to work n my mother dropped my brother home cause he's gonna have to go to school on the afternoon =p
I'm gonna go to school for training too but then not that early~ =D

we bought our Prom Night shoes! we haven't buy our clothes cause some of it not very nice =p

YUP! Y8 is gonna have a PROM NIGHT at the 25 of November! YEAH! =D <3
I can't wait! OMG! so excited although it's still a long way ahead! LOL =p

Tomorrow my mother is gonna bring me n my sister go shopping for my Prom Night clothes again! =D
she said it but i don't noe if it's true or not~ LOL

oh ya! i'm not gonna post up my PROM NIGHT shoes cause i wanna surprise my friends! WHEE! ^.^V

Wish i can find a VERY VERY nice clothes for my prom night >.<

I'm going with my friends! maybe i =p

okie~ i'm gonna stop here for now~ lazy to blog liaw~ HAHAHA

i noe i haven't been blogging for a long time although the VERY IMPORTANT exam is over~ but then i can't always online de marh~ =p

bye! =D

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