Tuesday, October 26, 2010

plurking - twittering - blogging~

Hey! i noe the tittle is so damn lame~ LOL =p

but i don't noe what to write for my tittle bwa~

I'm in the computer lab right now.....nothing to do....the internet is so slow -.-

I don't noe what to do now....except for blogging of course~ but other then that....what should i do? -.-

i can't go into facbook nor youtube....n those r the most entertaiment places for me! >.<

Today have training again.....i mean everyday have except for Friday n Sunday~

maybe tomorrow i won't be going cause of some problems.....not my problem actually...it's ying ying's one =p

but then i'm not goona blog out over here~ cause maybe she don't want me to blog bout it n also i don't noe how to explain....i only noe how to say it in person~ =D ^.^V

i noe! i'm talking nonsense! HAHAHAHA!

i wanna blog some music videos for u guys! >.< but i can't.....

today i played cards with my friends all day long! fun! cause many people playing it =p

Shyang n yuan hou also accompanied us playing cards~ =D

okie.....i'm not gonna blog anything liaw~ i wanna go play games! =D

bye!!!! ^.^ <3 <3 <3

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