Sunday, October 10, 2010

Korean & English Songs~ ♥

this blog is gonna be on hiatus again! sorry guys! cause it's SPE(a VERY IMPORTANT GOVERNMENT EXAM) tomorrow! O.O

so this is the last post till the 21 of October~ 

this is the last post so i'm gonna put up some songs~ so that whenever u guys come to my blog....maybe u guys won't be bored =p


lots of nice songs in Music Bank! =D


Miss A- Good Girl Bad Girl

5tion- Let's fall in love again

still am freaking crazy bout this song! 

Shinee- Hello

love this song too!

Sistar- Shady Girl

OMG! HeeChul is in there also? LOL! i didn't noe that! =p

saw this in Music Bank last time~

by U-Kiss but i think there are 2 songs mix together?


anyways.....the name is 

Before yesterday + Be quiet by U-Kiss


B2ST- Breathe

saw this at Music Bank too~ 

i think the dance move r kinda cute? i also don't noe lah~ HAHAHA =D

it's his new song i think =D

Se7en- I'm going crazy! 

I'm freaking crazy bout this song too!!! =D

Homme- Still eating well


This song is nice! =D

Bruno Mars- Just the way you are

One Republic- Marchin On

wish u guys enjoy the songz ya!!! ^.^


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