Saturday, October 23, 2010

Exams over! whee! ♥ ♥ ♥

Woots! exams are over! i is already over on Thursday....but i don't have any time to blog bout it....T.T too bz =p

i had my training(running) bwa~ SO DAMN TIRED AH! T.T

We(me, my sister ying ying, cynthia, shintinn n kally) ran around out school's hall(which is quite BIG) for 15 minutes ah! which is 13 rounds! non-stop lagi! O.O

then after that....we did some exercise.... with tony bong, zhi on n 2 others(which i don't noe their name...hahaha =D)

then! we have to walk to the 'shan' (in english = mountain)....u noe the one near my school, CHMS one....

we walk with them also~ then after we reached there....we can only rest for 5 minutes -.-

then we have to ran up the mountain for 10 times! 

10 freaking times man! n it's so damn steep lagi! T.T

went up the mountain n down counted as 1 time only!!!

teacher said we can't use walking but then slowly jogging can.....

but then we didn't listen cause we're too damn tired! >.<

n we end up jogging/running/walking for 4 times only~ LOL!

then we have to walk back lagi...haizz..... T.T

Today went to stadium lagi ah~I'm kinda afraid at first cause half of it was because there's gonna be more people coming.....n i think they're quite scary for me n also the other half was because i don't want to have these kind of training! >< it's called torturing! T.T yup! that's what i called it....but then i noe 'this' is call training lah =p

gah! i'm so freakishly tired! >.<

I only just got back from my training~ >.<

n we ran for 7KM!!!!! O.O

Tony accompanied us....even if we slowed down =p very good leh? hahaha! =D

then half way...i felt like vomiting ah~ >.<

I bought new sport shoes yesterday for the trainings......of course my sister also have de lu =p

show to u guys! =D

our shoes! =D

nice? >.<

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