Saturday, October 30, 2010

13th November

Today went to Tutong with my training friends! =p lol~ i don't noe if they r counted as my friends or not cause i didn't really talk to them~ they r my seniors~ =D but still i'm gonna call them friends! =D

it's kinda fun! ^^

sat in the bus for 45min to 1h i think~ didn't really watch the time~ =D

when we reached there~ we see where we're gonna have our competition~ that is the road from where to where =p

then after that~ we ran beside the road~ very tiring -.- cause we can't use walking~ only SLOW jogging~ HAHAHA =D

but then it's fun too! ^.^v

but the only disadvantage is that it's so damn hot! >.<

OMG! i'm becoming blacker ler! T.T

no!!! T.T


bo bian~ this is call "SPORTS"

like my teacher said~ "who won't become black when they joined sports?" HAHAHAHA =D

teacher also asked me n my friends to eat more meat cause we need to have more energy i think~ LOL

but i'm on my diet now! T.T

haizz.....guess i'll have to continue my diet next time~ HAHAHA =D

anyways~ just now i watched MTV~

there's this song~ which seems like JB one =p

i mean....nvm~ i don't noe how to explain~ =D ^.^V

i love this song! HAHAHA =D

i didn't noe he became a star this long already~ maybe a small star? cause i never heard of him~ LOL =p

he's been out for maybe 2 months =p

he's name is Cody Simpson~ song name is : iYiYi

he sang it with Florida~ =D

the song's nice isn't it? ^.^

more songs by Cody Simpson:

name of the song: SummerTime

name of the song: Perfect

song's name: One

i think that's all of his

he's so much better than JB~ well....that's my opinion~ i don't noe u guys~ =D

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