Wednesday, September 8, 2010

flood in CHMS! O.O

Yesterday night rained heavily~ 

i don't noe if it rained heavily or not cause around my house~ its just a drizzle~


then oh~ there's a big longkang outside my school mah~

then the mud all came out cause the longkang was flooded! O.O

The road was super dirty ah! Luckily today my father drove me,ying n my brother to school or else if i sit my driver's car~ i'm afraid that later stuck in the middle then cham lu~ HAHAHA =D

i hope my father wasn't dirty at all! =p


now my father is out having dinner with his friends i think~

so i can use computer lu~ no need to study! whee!!!! =D

sien eh~

today had video call with elle n ronald!

nobody talked cause too embarrassing!


aiya! i forgotten to press print screen so that i can put it in facebook!

kasian~ HAHAHA =p

k~ gtg now~

bye bye readers!

oh ya! frank i'll send the song to u tomorrow! i noe i said it in facebook le~ but then scared u haven't see it bwa~ HAHAHAHA =p

chao! =p

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